With the election just around the corner we thought that we would promote positive change (don’t worry we’re not going to get all party political).
We’ve got 20 copies of ‘Be The Change’ to give away to Re-View readers. The book is a collection of interviews with some of the world’s most inspiring social entrepreneurs, environmentalists and policy creators - we’ll even get, author, Trenna Cormack to write a personal message inside each copy.
Here’s a couple of snippets to whet your whistle:
‘On 7th July 2005, Gill Hicks was a passenger on the London Underground, when a suicide bomber blew up her carriage. She lost both legs…..After the bombing, she left her high-flying career at the Design Council, and is now an ambassador for the charity Peace Direct.’
‘You can make a lot of speeches, but the real thing is when you dig a hole, plant a tree, give it water, and make it survive. That’s what makes the difference’. Wangari Maathai
All you have to do get a copy is to look around your workplace and come up with an idea that would change it for the better, ‘Turn Me Off’ stickers on all your plugs, for example.
Post your ideas to our blog and the best 20 will be contacted.