Many of the business and brand owners we talk to share the drive to leave a healthy and prosperous organisation behind them when the time comes to pass their baby on - a ‘brand’ that delivers on its promises with integrity and purpose. This will be their legacy.
With the World Cup in South Africa now a distant memory, it’s a good time to revisit their promised pre-event legacy commitments. The doom-mongers predicted a World Cup dominated by crime and unfinished stadiums – what we witnessed was a country that embraced the tournament with infectious enthusiasm and a spectacle to make Africa proud and strengthen any potential bid for the 2020 Olympics.
One definition of a legacy might be ‘the memory of what we leave behind after we’ve left the stage’ and whilst no one underestimates the ongoing challenges facing South Africa, the greatest legacy after the tournament is not an improved transport infrastructure nor several outstanding stadiums, but the memory of a nation coming together to host a World Cup (vuvuzelas included!) that changed global perceptions of both country and continent.
As Danny Jordaan, the tournament chief exec asserted, ‘the doubters are the believers today’. The ‘Greatest Show on Earth’ comes to London in 2012 (2 years this week) and it’s paramount that our great nation delivers on the event and the ‘afters’ to match. After all, legacies are a pre-requisite of global events as much as for well-intentioned business.
With the World Cup in South Africa now a distant memory, it’s a good time to revisit their promised pre-event legacy commitments. The doom-mongers predicted a World Cup dominated by crime and unfinished stadiums – what we witnessed was a country that embraced the tournament with infectious enthusiasm and a spectacle to make Africa proud and strengthen any potential bid for the 2020 Olympics.
One definition of a legacy might be ‘the memory of what we leave behind after we’ve left the stage’ and whilst no one underestimates the ongoing challenges facing South Africa, the greatest legacy after the tournament is not an improved transport infrastructure nor several outstanding stadiums, but the memory of a nation coming together to host a World Cup (vuvuzelas included!) that changed global perceptions of both country and continent.
As Danny Jordaan, the tournament chief exec asserted, ‘the doubters are the believers today’. The ‘Greatest Show on Earth’ comes to London in 2012 (2 years this week) and it’s paramount that our great nation delivers on the event and the ‘afters’ to match. After all, legacies are a pre-requisite of global events as much as for well-intentioned business.
Many UK based organisations will be supporting London to deliver on its promises and we should all consider the kind of legacy that the business we own or work for leaves after us. Re-Sourceful can help you to purchase and promote in a better, more ethical manner and that is a crucial part of any businesses legacy.