Thursday, 17 June 2010

Time To Think

You may have been one of the lucky ones who recently got their hands on ‘National Trust: The Album’. The album, created by former Pulp front man Jarvis Cocker, is a mix of British natural sounds, such as birdsong and crashing waves recorded at a range of National Trust locations.

The idea came about after some research carried out by the National Trust highlighted the everyday distractions of our modern technology driven lives, and how we as a nation struggle to concentrate for prolonged periods with the constant interruptions of mobile phones or email alerts! We seem to think better with the sound of birdsong or the sea in our ears.

The National Trust approached Re-Sourceful for some help to bring this project to life. Clearly we were delighted to be involved on the design of the CD, the sleeve and it’s production.

Considering the nature of the album and Jarvis Cocker’s involvement, Re-Sourceful created a vibrant album cover that reflected a quirkier National Trust than many of us are used to. This design approach fed on to the CD itself and of course we produced the sleeve from FSC certified stock.

The album has been incredibly well received with over 7000 downloads from the National Trust website. As Jarvis Cocker comments. “I hope this album is a "Holiday for the Ears". It's not really meant to be listened to intently, like a piece of music, but more as something to have on in the background to aid relaxation or contemplation.”

If you weren’t lucky enough to lay your hands on one of the albums, don’t fret you can still download it from

Re-Sourceful thoroughly enjoyed helping the National Trust bring this project to life and aiding the relaxation of the nation! We don’t just develop and source cool eco products - we are creative thinkers and designers too! Get in touch if you have anything you’d like our help with.

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